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Writing as an Empowering Identity


When we write in a second or additional language, we can become free of spoken language anxiety.  This page offers various methods and suggestions to allow learners to explore potential imagined communities through writing exercises.


L2 writing and identity can be linked through classroom practices that enable development of learners’ identities as writers (Haneda, 2005).







Writing Through an Imagined Community and Identity

Contrast and Compare

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Handea (2005) suggests using authentic materials to help scaffold learner writing.  These sources can be newspapers, novels, picture books, graphic novels, magazines, anime and online material. Imagination is the limit here.  Please see the PDF for a suggested task that will allow learners to explore study abroad programs in the United States.




A quick write allows the learners to write about a topic decided by the teacher without necessarily worrying about proper spelling or syntax. It is meant to be a reflective self-assessment tool and can even be made anonymous. A topic idea for this surrounding imagined communities could be topics such as “Why I am learning English” or “My ideal English speaking community.” The goal of the activity is to find out a little more about our learners, relating learning content to their prior knowledge and their current and future ideal L2 selves.







Quick Writes

Asynchronous Writing


Spiliotopoulos & Carey (2005) offer that using asynchronous writing, allowing more time to reflect on one’s own and others' writing, can lower anxiety and avoid the possibility of shame for speaking poorly.  In asynchronous writing, a topic is decided and then learners are able to go into a module and post their thoughts, allowing for time to process the L2 and construct thoughts around a certain topic.


See this Padlet for an idea on asynchronous writing around the topic of travel.  Where do you want to travel and why?



Haneda, M. (2005). Investing in Foreign-Language Writing: A Study of Two Multicultural Learners. Journal of Language, Identity & Education, 4(4), 269–290.

Spiliotopoulos, V., & Carey, S. (2005). Investigating the Role of Identity in L2 Writing Using Electronic Bulletin Boards. Canadian Modern Language Review, 62(1), 87-109.

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