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In the Classroom

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Transformative Pedagogical Practices

  • Assist learners in discovering their own imagined communities and ideal L2 selves.

  • Language is not a set of governing rules.

  • Learner identities are seen to shift in accordance with the social world.

  • The classroom is a place where language learning investment can be enhanced.

  • Learners gain various identity positions in and outside the classroom (Norton, 2010; Norton & Toohey, 2011).

“Teachers are encouraged to expand the focus of instruction by imagining the multiple speaking situations their learners might face in the future.” ​(Celce-Murcia​, et al, 2010, p. 276)

Suggestion: Use transformative pedagogical practices to help shift the classroom into a place of identity discovery, which can lead to a deeper understanding of the learners' self and potential imagined communities.



Celce-Murcia, M., Brinton, D., Goodwin, J. M., & Griner, B. (2010). ​Teaching pronunciation: A course book and reference guide​.

Norton, B. (2010) Language and Identity.  In: Hornberger, N. H., & McKay, S. L. (2010). Sociolinguistics and Language Education. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, pp. 349-369

Norton, B., & Toohey, K. (2011). Identity, language learning, and social change. Language Teaching, 44, pp 412-446 doi:10.1017/S0261444811000309

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